
Early Life and Musical Beginnings Born Georges Kiamuangana Mateta on May 19, 1944, in Kisantu, Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo), Verckys grew up in a wealthy family. His father was a businessman in Leopoldville (now Kinshasa), giving him access to resources that...

Early Life and Musical BeginningsMoise Matuta, a distinguished Christian artist from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, began his musical journey at a young age. Growing up in Kinshasa, Matuta's passion for music emerged early, and by the age of 10, he was already immersed...

Born Antoine Nedule Monswet on December 25, 1940, in Leopoldville (now Kinshasa), Papa Noel’s stage name reflects his Christmas Day birth. Growing up in the bustling capital of the Belgian Congo, Papa Noel was exposed to a rich tapestry of African music, as well as...

Origins of KékéléFormed in 2000, Kékélé is a Congolese supergroup whose name is derived from a fibrous tree-climbing vine found in the Congo river basin. The band’s creation was a collaborative effort to revive and preserve the rich tradition of Congolese rumba, a genre that...

Ngouma Lokito, born Shungu Omba in Lumumbashi, Congo (DRC), is a name synonymous with power and mastery over the bass guitar. His journey through Congolese Music began in 1977, playing with a local group called "Ndjili." Over the years, he evolved into one of the...