Deejay Africano Set To Perform in Atlanta
Africano is set to perform in the US on 17th March, 2018.
Having performed in Atlanta for the very first time on 2nd April 2016; Deejay Africano who is an International Disk Jockey, born and based in Rwanda keeps spreading wings to various corners of the World.

Deejay Africano is a true Globe Trotter as he has previously performed in other Cities like San Francisco (in California) and Houston (in Texas) both in the United States of America; all over East Africa on various occasions (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania & Kenya); Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and in various Southern African Countries like Zambia, Mozambique and South Africa (where he started his career as a professional Deejay in 2007).
As his stage name “Africano”, he is a true and proud ambassador of Africa.For Deejay Africano bookings/inquiries, kindly get in touch with his Management Team via the contacts below:
PromoafriKa Team
Entrepreneurs, Showbiz & Music Publicists
+250 789 533 804
+250 730 874 351
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