We are an Internet broadcasting platform who have united for the purpose of helping our listeners achieve total fulfillment in life, love, career and entertainment. As hosts, we come from a diverse background of experience and expertise, and provide value and virtue based knowledge on all subjects related to everyday struggles.We are positive, informative, upbeat and very approachable. We care.
We present and promote consciousness-raising / entertaining programs to an international audience who are specifically interested in music, entrepreneurship, self-improvement and personal awareness via creative expression (the music, fashion, sports and creative arts).
Our listeners succeed at self-improvement because they are affluent, educated, pro-active and have developed a certain level of self-discipline necessary to attain personal fulfillment in their careers, business and relationships.
You can listen 24/7 by visiting the MWR website and simply just click the play button to listen to the station.
If you don’t want to listen to the current programming, you can refer to our schedule to see what time your preference is played, or lookup your favorite host and what time that show will air live on the MWR station.
You can also click on the On Demand Audio Archive (podcast) page and browse through our collection for an entertaining episode. This can be listened directly on the site, or by subscribing to and downloading the free podcast.
Any show host or disc jockey can submit a request to MWR by clicking on the New Host Inquiry Link. *Note: MWR reserves the right to reject or remove shows that are egregiously offensive (engaging in flagrant hate rhetoric, defamation, threatening violence, engaging in criminal acts, exhibiting extreme vulgarity or ongoing tech/sound issues.)
If your show is accepted we require:
We have:
Mawalking Radio is an affordable way to get your message out to millions of people
We offer our clients the lowest rates on daily, weekly and monthly advertising packages for all web banners ads and digital radio ads via MWR Media Reps.
Submit your information by filling out the form on the Promotional Submission page