Honestly, Why Do You Deejay??
What Motivated You To Become A DJ?
Everybody wants to be a Dj and there are some talented Deejays, but a very select few have taken their time to fully master their craft. I am sure you all have at one time or another been in possession of a mixtape by a few good Deejays, you are familiar with some very talented Deejay or have been lucky enough to attend events graced by some good Deejays out there. I don’t even have to tell you how that goes.
So it really becomes an entertainment “kill joy” when you have to listen to this particular Deejay, who completely flounders on the decks. Some notable points that will make you avoid this “Deejay’s” events like the plague are:
Too much of something is dangerous, someone please tell the “Scratcher”. This Deejay will just not stop scratching for the life of me. This Deejay has a tendency of unknowingly making that patrons vacate the premise where they are Deejaying in disgust, wondering to themselves…“now what in the world was that Deejay up to”.
Effects done right, actually add a unique entertainment factor to the beat. Effects are meant to mask some of the beat matching and transitions from one song to the next. This Deejay just abuses it. I am particularly irritated by that one who will drop their name in the song EXCESSIVELY, all you will remember is their name after the fact.. I am convinced that this one has to practice on their beat matching, other than use the effects as their way to blend in the music.
You all know him, he just won’t shut up and let the listeners enjoy the music. It’s their unfortunate delusion of hyping up the crowd. Might as well turn off the music and let them run their mouth. That Deejay amuses me.
Ladies and Gentlemen; if you can’t drive a manual transmission (stick shift) car…“you are not a driver” and if someone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you. The same principle applies to the skill of Deejaying. A Real Deejay should be able to seamlessly, or with a very limited degree of difficulty spin on CDJs (Compact Disk Jockey) and Turntables.
Not to take away from what the Talented Deejays our there do to entertain us, why does one become a Deejay? Are they in it for the money or the passion? I will leave that there…
Honestly, Why Do You Deejay?
— Mawalking Radio (@mawalkingRadio) February 11, 2016