We Marvel As They Stake Their Uninhibited Claim To The Throne

We Marvel As They Stake Their Uninhibited Claim To The Throne

These Peeps Just Won’t Let Go Of The “Who Is King?” Beef.

By Emmanuel Muema

Ahem; we closely monitor as yet another diss track rolls out of the music labs, bringing the current toll to 8. The following music artists have willingly contributed songs into the fray of this ongoing and relentless “Who Is King” beef;
1. Kionjo by Rabbit King Kaka.
2. King Khali and  by Khaligraph Jones.
3. King Khali 2 by Khaligraph Jones.
4. Unruly King by Lil Felly (Lil Fume).
5. No King by Njeri.
6. Lord Forgive Me by Juliani
7. Thiee Ukamiee by Edu Verseman.
8. Gorilla by Rabbit King Kaka.

Who Is King?

Verseman’s song is titled Thiee Ukamiee which is a Kikuyu language phrase which has a pretty disgusting meaning that i don’t prefer to delve into. It has the follwing catchy lyrics;

1. Kuringa na accent hiyo ni tabia ya madame.
Verseman hit Khali where it hurts the most, his American accent. Khali is known to be very proud of his accent. He even addresses it in the song Songea at the 2 minute 39 second mark of his 4-minute-long song which you can stream below.
2. Mkono tupu hailambwi hata kama ikona biceps.
This is a clever wordplay on the swahili expression “Mkono mtupu haulambwi” which is used to attack the physical looks on Khaligraph since he is really well built.
3. Kizungu ni ya wazungu ndio maana hii beef inaonja white meat.
This is yet another blow at Khali’s accent which sees the metaphorical beef being converted into realistic white meat and not red meat(real actual beef).
4. Wewe si Khaligraph Jones, wewe ni Khaligraph Joan.
This lyric is in relation to Khali’s accent. Verseman says that since Khaligraph flosses with his European/American accent, then he is indeed a she, hence the name Joan instead of Jones.
5. Mara we ni Yego, Mara Baba Yao, Mr. Embesha, after hii diss si utajiita Verseman.
Khali has a song titled Yego in which he references himself as Julius Yego. He also has a track titled Embesha in which of course he refers to himself as Mr. Embesha which is derived from the mobile money transfer service M-Pesa. In the song’s You Tube description it cleary says, ‘video published on Oct 10, 2014 by Khaligraph Baba Yao Jones’. Verseman suggests that Khali will now call himself Verseman after he hears the track Thiee Ukamiee.

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