Will You Be Celebrating Valentines Day This Year?
You have to be someone who completely avoids any form of information in terms of Newspapers, Television, any Online or Social Media platforms, not to have noticed the Feverishness surrounding Valentines Day. What’s causing all this excitement, are we this easily swayed by the Media, or do we just try so hard to fit in by blindly imitating other societies without fully grasping the significance of a celebration?
I choose not to be caught up in any observance that the real meaning behind it, somehow got distorted over time. I do not understand why I should ( imitating the distortion) only display my affection the ones I love, on this particular day out of a possible 364 days…
So I do not participate in the whole Valentines Day Affair for the following reasons:
You can’t talk about Valentines day without sharing some of the religious history behind the Day. I am actually astonished that most people don’t know that Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14th. The day began as a celebration of one or more Christian saints. They were called Valentinus.
It originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valentinus, and is currently recognized as a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country.
The current state of Valentine’s Day didn’t come about until the 18th century in England. It wasn’t focused on romantic love until that period. People used to write handwritten notes portraying their love and affection, but those have been replaced by cards, chocolates and teddy bears just to mention but a few.
While I find this to be sad, it is understandable. Here in the US, there never really is a mention of Saint Valentine much. The celebration is all about “Love” (movie, intimate dinners, candy, flowers or Netflix n Chill!).
With the boring historical facts behind us, you are surely not reading this to learn about the celebration. If you didn’t know, I hope it was slightly enlightening :-). I just wanted to share with you why my wife and I don’t even bother to celebrate this “holiday”. In a nutshell, I don’t need an official calendar day to tell me when I should show affection to my wife.
It’s really hard, but something would have to be wrong with you if you’re not slightly irritated by the many holidays and the frenzy behind how they are celebrated in America. The retailers have done a total mind control on most of the population, they have completely taken over. From the amount of food wasted over thanksgiving, the stampedes on black Friday and the almost mandatory gift buying on Christmas… Valentine’s Day is no different. The retailers will put on an irresistible display of ads and “discounts” to sway you into wasting your hard earned, highly taxed income on the celebration.
I took it upon myself to conduct a brief experiment. I compared last years cost of “Abundant Love” to this year and noticed the following:
Dozen Roses in 2015 – $49.99 | 2016 – $79.99
Dozen Roses with Chocolate and Teddy in 2015 – $69.99 | 2016 – $99.99
Dozen Roses with Chocolate in 2015 – $59.99 | 2016 – $89.99
Dozen Roses with Teddy in 2015 – $59.99 | 2016 – $89.99
If you decide to conform to the expected protocol of events and throw in dinner, a movie, that gift certificate, the spa and the list goes on… I don’t have to calculate for you how much you will be spending on one bitterly cold night if you happen to reside on the East Coast. That experiment alone irritated me about this holiday.
You might be wondering why I won’t just jump on board and celebrate Valentine’s Day with my wife, just like every other person out there. Simple reason is, I don’t just conform for the sake of it. I like spontaneity and I think it has better rewards, if you catch my drift. She also won’t appreciate just getting some card and flowers on one day of the year just because that date was concocted as a romantic holiday.
I know that some of you are probably wondering who made me the holiday expert. Most of you actually love, look forward to and observe this day and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. This post is not meant to dissuade you from conforming to celebrating the day. The point I am trying to get across is that we shouldn’t rely on a certain day to show our close ones that we love them.
If you like Valentine’s Day, what do you have planned? Spare me the intimate details, keeping in mind that this is a family-friendly site!
Valentine died for love, Romeo died for Love, Jack in Titanic died for Love, Samson in the Bible died for Love, Greek heroes Hercules and Achilles died for Love. Even Jesus Christ Died for Love!!! Tread carefully!!